Sunday, July 18, 2010

Last time we tried to organize our hosue, we decided we need to have a huge storage space. We have a tiny tiny house, so it's not like we hoard stuff. It's just having such a small house... Anyway, this is what we've been telling ourselves. If we could eliminate this "need," we'd save 1600 a year! So we brought home all the bags of toys for our kids to go through - they have small rooms but the relatives have generous hearts. Too many toys, so it's not fun for a kiddo when he/she can't even get in his/her room with all the stuff. So we stored some of it. I've saved all the baby clothes. We've both saved all of our college books. Extra furniture. Clothes that fit "back when..." We're paying to store our excess. Today was a busy day and now the house really is a wreck. Ug. I'm prepared for this though. I knew it would be a mess for a couple days as we all go through our stuff and decide what we need and what we want to ditch. Not exactly a fun chore. (Ok, it really stinks right now.) But to be able to reclaim our budget, our house, and maybe even take back the garage so the kids can have their playroom back -- that would be pretty worthwhile! (and it really is embarrassing to have to admit we have so much junk that we have a storage unit.)

Day three - not fun. Kids are grumping at each other and I am still trying to GET to my bags to sort through. All with a baby to feed, bathe, lunches to make, arguments to referee, laundry to fold, dinner to plan, bills to pay, job hunting and so much more.

To give them credit though, the girls are doing an excellent job of going through their things. (Will I be able to do half as good a job?) My house is a wreck. Their bags of toys they want to sell or donate or throw away are all over and it doesn't seem like we've accomplished anything. Their room is still a mess and I still have a full storage unit. And no new job. I received a "thanks but no thanks" email today. That hurt. I had hopes for that one. Checked the school email and found out the other one was also a no-go. Not a good day.

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