Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's curtains, for us!

Today was tough! My sister invited us to go to Willis-Tucker park. Lots of outdoor water play areas, kids had a blast! Husband was off today, sun was out, so fun! We get there and I looked around and...started comparing. All of the sudden - "I want to get my hair done, I wanted to buy clothes, I need to get back into shape...." "Do I REALLY want to forego all this for two years while we work on our debt?" Dumb or not - these were all the dumb ideas running through my head. It was hard to go to the sister's new house where there is so much SPACE! Cute, very trendy hair cut, kids are well dressed, so hard not to get the "I wants..." I want now, not in two years. I don't want to go home to my tiny house, overflowing with stuff. I want space. I want to be at peace with my job. (Dreaded staff member was conveniently present at the park. What a way to spend the day.) I want to be able to buy that cute blouse that trim blonde gal was wearing, or that adorable skirt. Wishing I could buy some really cute clothes for the kids. We really both need to lose weight and we love those protein shakes, but they cost a lot...." Husband and I even fighting this morning - in a hurry to get out of the house and no one took out the lunch meat to defrost. "Whose job is it, anyway?!" (not nice questions to broach - but we simply never fight. Virtually never; we just don't.) and then, when everyone is good and angry, of course the dog has to throw up. All over the curtains. We're supposed to leave for the park at 11:00 to be there in half an hour. We're now an hour late and no one knows how to clean up dog vomit off of the curtains. And no one took out the garbege this morning, since we both overslept.
Coming home, hubby and I were both tired and I was surprisingly grumpy. It was, despite everything, a fun day at the park. However, we both still have a lot to do, and want nothing more than to relax in front of a movie with either some take out or stop in to the local appleby's - or even Olive Garden. We ran the rest of our errands, then came home. Tonight I'm not in the mood to fix dinner, not even with my new e-mealz menu. I sat down and checked email and found that my very sweet friend directed me to her friend's blog - Gently led, who is also trying to work her way out of debt. Reading her story and knowing that my friend was encouraging me to keep going was really the push I needed to get refocused and stay on track. It may not have been on the planned menu, but our frozen pizza and salad (spinach with mandarin oranges, bacon, strawberries and cucumbers) was really very good. (Kids had three helpings!) We made it through another day! Our wallets are intact. Now I need to go kiss my sweet husband, who took out the lunch meat because I forgot. (and I should probably look up how to clean the curtains)

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